Home Calendario All 116 Jedi Who Appear In Star Wars Movies & TV Shows

All 116 Jedi Who Appear In Star Wars Movies & TV Shows

All 116 Jedi Who Appear In Star Wars Movies & TV Shows

Ever since Star Wars was first released in 1977, each subsequent movie and TV show has added more Jedi to the franchise. While the original trilogy was limited in this regard due to the Jedi being largely extinct, the number of onscreen Jedi shot up drastically during the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Countless Jedi were created to showcase the Jedi Order in its prime, and the TV shows were later able to give these Jedi greater attention.

The detailed nature of the Star Wars franchise means that every Jedi character is highly unique with their own intriguing backstory to match. Every era of the Star Wars timeline stands apart based on how many Jedi are present and how the world-building shapes different characters. Although the Expanded Universe of books, comics, and video games has played a large role in fleshing out the Jedi Order, 125 total Jedi have appeared in the Star Wars movies and TV shows specifically.

Star Wars (1977)

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi was the first Jedi introduced in Star Wars, and he perfectly represented everything they’re supposed to be. He would go on to have a major role in all of Lucas’ Star Wars films and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, making appearances in several other movies and TV shows.

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)


With Obi-Wan becoming one with the Force in the previous film, Star Wars had to introduce a new master to train Luke, and Lucas created the most outstanding Jedi Master of all time for The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda’s 900-year lifespan allowed him to appear across various Star Wars eras and to have a recurring role onscreen.

Return Of The Jedi (1983)

Anakin Skywalker

Luke Skywalker proudly proclaimed
“I am a Jedi like my father before me”
and Anakin’s Force ghost showed that the former Jedi had indeed returned at the end.

Though Anakin Skywalker’s backstory wouldn’t be fleshed out until 1999, he returned to the light side in Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker proudly proclaimed “I am a Jedi like my father before me” and Anakin’s Force ghost showed that the former Jedi had indeed returned at the end.

Luke Skywalker

Jedi Masters and Sith Lords alike made clear that Luke did not truly become a Jedi until the end of the original Star Wars trilogy. Luke certainly became powerful and built his own lightsaber, but confronting his fear was the last trial he needed to face, and he proved that he truly was a Jedi when he rejected the dark side and helped his father return to the light.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)

Mace Windu

Mace Windu served as the elected leader of the Jedi High Council and was one of the few Jedi to wield a purple lightsaber. He was killed by Darth Sidious on Coruscant in 19 BBY after Anakin Skywalker thwarted his attempt to kill the Sith Lord.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn was an unorthodox Jedi Master who valued embracing the Living Force more than strict adherence to tradition. He was killed by Darth Maul on Naboo in 32 BBY but was able to preserve his consciousness after death, later guiding Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Netherworld of the Force.

Depa Billaba

Depa Billaba was orphaned by pirates as a child and rescued by Mace Windu, who trained her as his Padawan. After achieving the rank of Jedi Master, she was offered a seat on the Jedi High Council and later trained a Padawan named Kanan Jarrus. She sacrificed herself during Order 66 to save Kanan when their clone troopers turned on them.

In the original
Star Wars
Expanded Universe, now known as the “Legends” timeline, Depa Billaba turned to the dark side during the Clone Wars but fell into a comatose state after a final duel with Mace Windu.


Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed on Mygeeto in 19 BBY when his clone troopers betrayed him during Order 66.

Plo Koon

Plo Koon was a Kel Do Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and brought Ahsoka Tano to the Jedi Temple as a youngling. He was shot down by his clone troopers over Cato Neimoidia in 19 BBY.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Adi Gallia – A Tholothian female Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed by Savage Opress on Florrum in 19 BBY. Her spirit was one of the many Jedi voices who aided Rey on Exegol in 35 ABY.
  • Eeth Koth – An Iridonian Zabrak male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed by Darth Vader in 14 BBY.
  • Even Piell – A Lannik male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed during the Citadel Rescue on Lola Sayu in 20 BBY.
  • Oppo Rancisis – A Thisspiasian male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and later became one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66.
  • Quinlan Vos – A Kiffar male Jedi Master who first appeared as an unnamed background character on Tatooine before having his story fleshed out later on. He survived Order 66 and occasionally helped the Hidden Path smuggle Jedi and other Force-sensitives who were hunted by the Empire.
  • Saesee Tiin – An Iktotchi male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed when he and three other Jedi Masters attempted to arrest Darth Sidious in 19 BBY.
  • Yaddle – A female Jedi Master of the same species as Yoda, she sat on the Jedi High Council and was in charge of Jedi Initiates during the High Republic era. She was killed by Dooku in 32 BBY after discovering that he was working with Darth Sidious.
  • Yarael Poof – A Quermian male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed in 22 BBY just before the start of the Clone Wars.

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)

Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee was the Padawan of Luminara Unduli and fought alongside the other Jedi at the Battle of Geonosis. She fought in the Second Battle of Geonosis as well, befriending fellow Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Barris came to believe that the Jedi Order had lost its way and bombed the Jedi Temple, framing Ahsoka for the crime until she was caught and exposed by Anakin Skywalker.

Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto was a wise Jedi Maser who fought in the Clone Wars and eventually joined the Jedi High Council. He was killed alongside fellow Jedi Masters on Coruscant in 19 BBY while attempting to arrest Darth Sidious.

Luminara Unduli

Jedi Master Luminara trained Barris Offee and was arrested and executed following Order 66. Her remains were later used to lure Jedi out of hiding, a trap that Kanan Bridger and Ezra Bridger fell into in 5 BBY. Her spirit was one of the many Jedi voices who aided Rey on Exegol in 35 ABY.

Shaak Ti

Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a member of the Jedi High Council who represented the Republic on Kamino and oversaw the training of clone soldiers. She was killed by Anakin Skywalker in 19 BBY when the 501st Legion attacked the Jedi Temple during Order 66.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Aayla Secura – A Rutian Twi’lek female Jedi Master and former Padawan of Quinlan Vos who died on Felucia during Order 66 in 19 BBY. Her spirit was one of the many Jedi voices who aided Rey on Exegol in 35 ABY.
  • Agen Kolar – A Zabrak Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed when he and three other Jedi Masters attempted to arrest Darth Sidious in 19 BBY. He was originally supposed to be Eeth Koth from The Phantom Menace but was changed to a new character because of their physical differences.
  • Bairdon Jace – A human male Jedi Padawan who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Bultar Swan – A human female Jedi who trained as Plo Koon’s Padawan and became a Jedi Knight shortly before the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY
  • Coleman Trebor – A Vurk male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed by Jango Fett during the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Ekim Ryelli – A human male Jedi Master who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and was killed in 19 BBY was a fallen Jedi who turned to the dark side.
  • Fi-Ek Sirch – A Kajain’sa’Nikto Jedi who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Ichi-Tan Micoda – A human male Jedi Knight who was killed during the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Jocasta Nu – A human female Jedi Master who served as Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives. After initially surviving Order 66, she was later killed by Darth Vader, though she was able to sabotage the Jedi Archives and convince Vader to destroy a holocron with a list of Force-sensitive children.
  • Joclad Danva – A human male Jedi Knight who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and was a master of Teräs Käsi.
  • Khaat Qiyn – A human female Jedi Master who trained Bairdon Jace and fought alongside him at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Liam & The Other Jedi Younglings – Liam was the only youngling in Yoda’s class to be named on screen, a reference to Qui-Gon Jinn actor Liam Neeson.
  • Lumas Etima – A human male Jedi Padawan who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Nicanas Tassu – A human male Jedi Master who tossed a spare green lightsaber to Anakin Skywalker at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Pablo-Jill – An Ongree male Jedi Knight who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Que-Mars Redath-Gom – A Weequay male Jedi Knight who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Roan Shryne – A human male Jedi Master who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and briefly avoided Order 66 before he was killed by Darth Vader on Kashyyyk in 19 BBY.
  • Roth-Del Masona – A human male Jedi Master who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and was appointed the adjutant of Jedi Master Mace Windu during the Clone Wars. He was killed by General Grievous on Coruscant in 19 BBY while defending Chancellor Palpatine (though this contradicts the Star Wars: Clone Wars 2D micro-series).
  • Sar Labooda – A human female Jedi and the sister of Jedi Master Depa Billaba, they were orphaned as children and rescued by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Labooda was killed during the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Sarrissa Jeng – A human female Jedi who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Sephjet Josall – A human male Jedi Knight who tossed a spare blue lightsaber to Obi-Wan Kenobi at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Sora Bulq – A Weequay male Jedi Knight who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Stass Allie – A Tholothian female Jedi Master who joined the Jedi High Council after the death of her cousin, Jedi Master Adi Gallia. She was killed on Saleucami in 19 BBY when her clone troopers turned against her during Order 66.
  • Tan Yuster – A human male Jedi and Padawan learner of Jedi Master Agen Kolar who was killed during the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Tarados Gon – A Klatooinian Jedi Knight who fought in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
  • Zett Jukassa – A human male Jedi Padawan who was killed when clone troopers attacked the Jedi Temple in 19 BBY. He is played by George Lucas’ son, Jett Lucas.

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003 – 05) [LEGENDS]

Sha’a Gi

One of the most notable Jedi characters in Star Wars: Clone Wars despite his brief appearance, Sha’a Gi’s name and appearance is a reference to Shaggy Rogers from the Scooby-Doo franchise. He was killed on Hypori in 22 BBY when he attempted to charge at General Grievous out of fear.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Daakman Barrek – A human male Jedi Master who was killed by General Grievous on Hypori in 22 BBY while attempting to contact Obi-Wan Kenobi for help.
  • Foul Moudama – A Talz male Jedi Master killed by General Grievous on Coruscant in 19 BBY while defending Chancellor Palpatine.
  • K’Kruhk – A Whiphid male Jedi Master who was seemingly killed by General Grievous on Hypori in 22 BBY. In reality, he survived by going into a state of hibernation and later rejoined the war effort. He later became a member of Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order and was alive as late as 138 ABY.
  • Roron Corobb – An Ithorian male Jedi Master killed by General Grievous on Coruscant in 19 BBY while defending Chancellor Palpatine.
  • Tarr Seirr – A Cerean Jedi Knight who General Grievous killed on Hypori in 22 BBY.
  • Voolvif Monn – A Shistavanen Jedi Master who fought alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi on Muunilinst in 22 BBY.

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith (2005)

Cin Drallig

Jedi Master Cin Drallig was the Battlemaster and Chief of Security of the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars and was killed by Anakin Skywalker in 19 BBY. He was portrayed by Star Wars prequel trilogy stunt coordinator Nick Gillard.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Coleman Kcaj – An Ongree male Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council. He survived Order 66 but was killed by the Imperial Inquisitors by 9 BBY.
  • Sors Bandeam & The Other Jedi Younglings – Sors Bandeam was the only named Jedi Youngling, an anagram of the actor’s name, Ross Beadman.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was the only new Jedi to debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars theatrical release and became one of the most important characters in the show. After leaving the Jedi Order and surviving Order 66, Ahsoka joined the Rebel Alliance under the codename Fulcrum. Though long believed to be dead after dueling Darth Vader, Ahsoka was saved when Ezra Bridger pulled her into the World Between Worlds. Ahsoka promised to find Ezra, continuing her quest in The Mandalorian season 2 and the Ahsoka show on Disney+.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 -14; 2020)

Asajj Ventress

Although Asajj Ventress was a Sith assassin and later a bounty hunter for most of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a flashback in season 3 showed her being trained as a Jedi by Ky Narec. She turned to the dark side after her master’s death and was recruited by Count Dooku, who later betrayed and attempted to kill her. Ventress eventually sacrificed herself to save Quinlan Vos and was laid to rest with her fellow Nightsisters on Dathomir. However, she somehow survived her apparent death and returned in Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3.


Sifo-Diyas was the Jedi Master who placed the order for the Republic’s clone army, and he finally appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 6 as a dark side vision designed to tempt Yoda.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Bolla Ropal – A Rodian male Jedi Master who served as the keeper of the Kyber memory crystal during the Clone Wars. He was tortured to death by bounty hunter Cad Bane after refusing to unlock the Holocron containing the memory crystal.
  • Byph – An Ithorian male Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum.
  • Ganodi – A Rodian female Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum.
  • Gungi – Wookiee male Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum. He later survived Order 66 and fought alongside the Bad Batch on Kashyyyk.
  • Halsey – A Roonan male Jedi Master killed alongside his Padawan Knox on Devaron by Savage Opress in 20 BBY.
  • Ima-Gun Di – A Kajain’sa’Nikto Jedi Master who died during the Battle of Ryloth in 22 BBY.
  • Jinx – A Twi’lek male Jedi youngling who was kidnapped by Trandoshans on a training mission and taken to Wasskah to be hunted for sport. He and fellow youngling O-Mer were later able to escape and return to the Jedi Order thanks to Ahsoka Tano.
  • Kalifa – A human female who led her fellow Jedi younglings after they were kidnapped by Trandoshans on a training mission and taken to Wasskah to be hunted for sport. She was killed in 20 BBY and urged Ahsoka to make sure her fellow younglings survived.
  • Katooni – A Tholothian Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum.
  • Knox – A Nautolan male Jedi Padawan killed alongside his master Halsey on Devaron by Savage Opress in 20 BBY.
  • Ky Narec – A human male Jedi Knight who trained Asajj Ventress as his Padawan after he was stranded on Rattatak in 44 BBY. He was killed by Weequay raiders in 23 BBY, and after taking revenge on his killer, Ventress began her path to the dark side.
  • Nahdar Vebb – A Mon Calamari male Jedi Knight who was trained by Kit Fisto. General Grievous killed him on Vassek 3 in 21 BBY.
  • O-Mer – A Cerean male Jedi youngling who was kidnapped by Trandoshans on a training mission and taken to Wasskah to be hunted for sport. He and fellow youngling Jinx were later able to escape and return to the Jedi Order thanks to Ahsoka Tano.
  • Ord Enisence – A Skrilling male Jedi Master who was killed in 21 BBY by bounty hunter Cad Bane. The shape-shifting Clawdite bounty hunter Cato Parasitti then assumed his appearance as part of Bane’s plan to steal a Holocron from the Jedi Temple.
  • Petro – A human male Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum.
  • Pong Krell – A Besalisk Jedi Master who turned to the dark side after having a vision of the Jedi losing the Clone Wars. He sabotaged his clone soldiers to win favor with Count Dooku but was executed on UMbara in 20 BBY.
  • Tera Sinube – A Cosian male Jedi Master who helped Ahsoka Tano track down her lost lightsaber during the Clone Wars. He was killed by 9 BBY and entombed at Fortress Inquisitorius.
  • Tiplar – A Mikkian female Jedi Master and the twin sister of Jedi Master Tiplee. She was killed in 19 BBY by the clone trooper Tup when his inhibitor chip malfunctioned and caused him to carry out Order 66 early.
  • Tiplee – A Mikkian female Jedi Master and the twin sister of Jedi Master Tiplar. She was killed by Count Dooku in 19 BBY.
  • Tutso Mara – A male Jedi Knight who trained with Barriss Offee and taught her how to hold a lightsaber correctly. He was killed in 19 BBY when she bombed the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to make a statement against the Jedi Order.
  • Zatt – A Nautolan male Jedi youngling who attended the Gathering with five other initiates to find kyber crystals for their lightsabers on Illum.

Star Wars Rebels (2014 – 18)

Ezra Bridger

Ezra Bridger grew up on the streets of Lothol after his parents were arrested for speaking out against the Empire. He later became Kanan Jarrus’ apprentice after joining the Ghost Crew, and in 0 BBY he disappeared into hyperspace with Grand Admiral Thrawn. With the help of Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren, Ezra made his way back to the Star Wars galaxy and reunited with Hera Syndulla.

Grand Inquisitor

Following the Grand Inquisitor’s death, Kanan Jarrus learned that he was once a Jedi Temple Guard before turning to the dark side. The Grand Inquisitor’s history was then retconned to make him one of the Jedi Temple Guards who attempt to stop Barriss Offee in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5 finale.

Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus was the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Depa Billaba, who sacrificed herself while urging Kanan to run during Order 66. He carried the guilt of abandoning the Jedi Order for years but was eventually able to overcome his fear and train Ezra Bridger as a Jedi. Kanan died on Lothol in 1 BBY while saving his friends from an explosion.

Tarre Vizsla

Tarre Vizsla forged the Darksaber when he became the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order. He appeared in Star Wars Rebels season 3 as a silhouette figure when his history was explained to Kanan Jarrus.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Ben Solo

Kylo Ren first appeared as a dark side adept in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but Star Wars: The Last Jedi offered the first glimpse of Ben Solo when he was a Jedi. Ben renounced the dark side and became a Jedi once again in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, sacrificing his life to save Rey.

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker (2019)

Leia Organa

While the sequel trilogy had shown that Leia had certain Force abilities, The Rise of Skywalker confirmed that she had trained a as Jedi. A flashback showed Leia besting Luke on the last night of her training, which she would eventually pass on to Rey.

Rey Skywalker

Because the first two sequel trilogy films take place back to back, Rey did not truly become a Jedi until The Rise of Skywalker. She faced her ultimate trial when she learned that Palpatine was her grandfather, but with the help of all the Jedi who came before, she was able to beat him and live to restore the New Jedi Order.

The Mandalorian (2019 – )


Grogu was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and trained by many masters due to his long life span. He survived Order 66 but was forced to hide his abilities to survive until he was saved from the Imperial Remnant by Din Djarin. After studying at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy, Grogu chose to return to his Mandalorian friend and later became Din Grogu after Din Djarin officially accepted him as his son.

Kelleran Beq

Kelleran Beq was the Jedi Master who saved Grogu during Order 66 and took him off Coruscant. He originally appeared on the children’s game show Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, played by Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best.

Star Wars: Visions (2021 – ) [NON-CANON]

As a non-canon anthology series, Star Wars: Visions introduced several new Jedi who only appeared for one episode.

Jedi Characters

  • Dan G’vash – A human male Jedi Padawan who traveled to Habo with his master and encountered a former Sith called the Elder.
  • Ethan – A human male Jedi who had no master and attended a gathering of Jedi who wished to restore the Order. When the other Jedi revealed themselves as Sith, Ethan and the true Jedi defeated them.
  • F – A human female Jedi Padawan who became a fugitive after Order 66. She found herself on Keelia and helped save a village from a band of pirates.
  • Homen – A male Jedi who attended a gathering of Jedi who wished to restore the order. When the other Jedi revealed themselves as Sith, Homen was initially consumed by the darkness, but he later joined the true Jedi once the Sith were defeated.
  • Jee Ken Tsokee – “Jay” was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a singer for Hutt’s band after Order 66.
  • Juro – A human male Jedi Master and the ruler of Hy Izlan who sought to restore the Jedi Order.
  • Kratu – A female Jedi who regularly visited the people of Korba and later took Aau to become a Jedi.
  • Lah Kara – The daughter of the legendary sabersmith Lah Zhima who became the “Ninth Jedi” when she and the others set out to rebuild the order.
  • Mitaka – A professor and a Jedi who built T0=B1 during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
  • Rugal – A female Jedi in hiding who later revealed herself to defeat an Inquisitor and take Rani as her Jedi pupil.
  • T0-B1 – A Force-sensitive droid built by Mitaka who dreamed of becoming a Jedi.
  • Tajin Crosser – The Jedi Master of Padawan Dan G’vash who traveled to Habo and encountered a former Sith called the Elder.
  • Tsubaki – A human male Jedi Knight who later turned to the dark side and became the apprentice of the Sith Lord Masago.
  • Toul – A human male Jedi Padawan who accompanied Ara to the statues of prophecy and confronted the Sith Lord Bichan.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)

Reva Sevander

Reva Sevander was once a Jedi youngling who watched in horror as Anakin Skywalker slaughtered the only family she ever knew. She swore revenge and became an Inquisitor to rise through the ranks and kill him, but she failed when the opportunity came. Obi-Wan Kenobi helped her let go of her need for revenge, leaving the dark side behind and venturing out into the galaxy.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Farls – A Theelin male Jedi youngling who trained alongside Reva and was killed at the Jedi Temple during Order 66. His body was later entombed at Fortress Inquisitorius.
  • Minas Velti – A human female Jedi Master who was killed defending Reva and the other younglings during Order 66.
  • Nari – A male Jedi who survived Order 66 and eventually discovered Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine. After the Jedi Master refused to help him, Nari was killed by the Inquisitors and hung in the streets of Anchorhead.
  • Velerie Tide – A human female Jedi who survived Order 66 but was later killed by the Inquisitors and entombed at Fortress Inquisitorius.

Star Wars: Tales Of The Jedi (2022 – )


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones established Count Dooku as a former Jedi, but it wasn’t until Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi that he was shown as one onscreen. Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn and saw firsthand how corrupt the Republic had become and how the Jedi Order was failing to take action. He allied with Darth Sidious in secret before being discovered by Jedi Master Yaddle, whom he killed to prove his loyalty to the Sith.

Other Jedi Characters

  • Katri – A Mirialan Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi High Council and was killed by a group of rogue security guards on Raxus Secundus. Her seat on the Jedi Council was filled by Jedi Master Mace Windu after he and Master Dooku uncovered the plot behind her death.

Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023 – )

Kai Brightstar

Kai Brightstar was a human male Jedi youngling who trained with his friends on Tenoo during the High Republic era. After losing his first lightsaber on a mission, Yoda gave Kai the green lightsaber that he trained with as a Padawan.

Lys Solay

Lys Solay was a Pantoran female Jedi youngling who trained with her friends on Tenoo during the High Republic era.


Nubs was a Pooba male Jedi youngling who trained with his friends on Tenoo during the High Republic era.

Zia Zaldor Zanna

Zia Zaldor Zanna was a human female Jedi Master who trained Jedi Initiates on Tenoo during the High Republic era.

The Acolyte (2024)


The first new Jedi character introduced in The Acolyte was Master Indara, who was then killed in a duel with Mae Aniseya. Flashback episodes revealed that she played a role in the death of Mae’s witch coven, leading her to seek revenge as a Sith acolyte.

Osha Aniseya

The twin sister of Mae Aniseya, Osha Aniseya was taken in by the Jedi despite being too old by their standards. She later chose to leave the Jedi due to her inability to control her emotions, until Mae returned to kill the Jedi Masters who took Osha. Although Osha initially helped the Jedi track her sister, he was horrified when she learned that Master Sol had lied about killing her mother, and she killed him with a Force choke. She joined the Sith Lord Qimir, another former Jedi, while Mae’s memory was wiped before being taken by the Jedi.

Yord Fandar

Yord Fandar was a friend to Osha Aniseya when she was a Jedi, and he was later tasked with arresting her when she was framed for Mae Aniseya’s crimes. He accompanied the Jedi strike team to find Master Kelnacca before he was killed next, but the group arrived too late and was confronted by the mysterious Sith. Yord fought valiantly but was ultimately outmatched, with the Sith Lord snapping his neck as his friends watched helplessly.

Tasi Lowa

Tasi Lowa was Yord Fandar’s Padawan and accompanied him to arrest Osha Aniseya. She was a Zygerian, a species that once controlled a vast slave empire that was dismantled by the Jedi Order.


Considered by his fellow Jedi to have too much emotional attachment, Sol insisted that his group investigate the Witches of Brendok to make sure Osha and Mae Aniseya were safe. This led to a confrontation where Sol killed their mother, and the ensuing battle ended with the death of the entire coven. Sol trained Osha as his Padawan, and when they were reunited, he didn’t tell her the truth when he had the chance. Sol watched in despair as Osha gave in to the dark side and Force choked him to death.

Vernestra Rwoh

A Jedi who first appeared as a Padawan in the High Republic books and comics, Master Vernestra Rwoh oversaw the investigation into the mysterious Jedi killer. She struggled to keep the situation under control, especially when she learned that the Senate was seeking to assert greater control over the Jedi Order. After the truth came out and learning that the Sith Lord was her former Padawan, Rwoh decided to cover up the full truth by pinning all the blame on Sol.

Jecki Lon

Jecki Lon was a young yet highly capable Padawan who accompanied Master Sol throughout The Acolyte, eventually befriending Osha Aniseya. Despite her impressive skill with a lightsaber, she was killed by Qimir as Sol watched in horror.


Torbin was a Padawan when he and the other Jedi visited Brendok and found Osha and Mae Aniseya. He blamed himself for the ensuing slaughter and spent years in meditation, refusing to speak to anyone. When Mae returned to seek revenge, Torbin begged her forgiveness and willingly drank the poison she placed before him.


Kelnacca was the last of the four Jedi present on Brendok the night the Witches of Brendok were killed, where he was possessed by their magic and forced to fight his friends. He was later killed by Qimir before the Jedi strike team could arrive to save him.

Star Wars may have only featured 125 Jedi on screen so far, but the upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows are sure to add even more Jedi to the ever-expanding roster.

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